Regular Meeting Information

Below are the regular meeting schedules for the Districts. The Boards of Directors may call special meetings or cancel a regular meeting as needed.  All notices of meetings will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting in compliance with Colorado Revised Statutes.

District No. 2.
The Lakes Metropolitan District No. 2 Regular meeting via teleconference on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. Notices of meetings are posted on the website and if the website is unavailable at approximately 1571 Wildflower Drive, Brighton, Colorado.

District Nos. 1 & 3-4
Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:30 am except on the 2nd Wednesday of November at 10:00 am by telephone, electronic, or other means not including physical presence. Notices of meetings are posted on the website and if the website is unavailable at the following locations:

  • District No. 1: The southwest corner of the District
  • District No. 3: The southwest corner of the District
  • District No. 4: Approximately 15300 E. 144th Avenue

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

DateMeeting TypeAgendaMinutes
11-8-23Annual Town HallAgenda
DateMeeting TypeAgendaMinutes
4-23-24Joint SpecialAgenda
3-26-24Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes
2-20-24Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
1-16-24Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
12-19-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
11-8-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
11-8-23Joint Annual Town HallAgendaMinutes
10-17-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
9-19-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
8-22-23Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes
7-18.23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
6-20-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
5-16-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
04-18-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
3-21-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
2-21-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
1-17-23Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
12-14-22Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes
11-09-22Joint RegularAgendaMinutes
09-22-22Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes
07-27-22Special, No. 4AgendaMinutes
11-22-21Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes
10-12-21Special, Nos. 1 & 4AgendaMinutes
08-12-21Joint SpecialAgendaMinutes